Reasons of preferring a subjective index with a compound approach to repre-senting jurisprudential subjects

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy Islamic Information and Document Management Research Center


This article examines the probability - measure of the usual approaches in organizing content information (such as cataloging, categorizing and indexing), in order to structure and represent jurisprudential matters based on the thesaurus of the jurisprudence. Among them, due to the analytical representation and proposed data extraction, it has preferred indexing to other methods of organization, and because of the diversity and variety of issues, and the abundance of sources and attributions of jurisprudential output, this paper introduces the only method of analytic - subjective indexing for organizing information and managing issues of jurisprudence. Nevertheless, because of some defects, this research regards three indexes including simple, textual and contextual indexes among the common approaches of indexing as inadequate to organize the subject of jurisprudence, and emphasizes and recommends on the synthetic subject indexing, which consists of combining several terms or words to represent an issue.
The synthetic indexing has been created and localized by the Institute for Management of Islamic Information and Documents. In this method, the macro and micro issues of any science, including the jurisprudence with its many branches is well described. Similarly, in order to achieve its data extraction, it will result in a proposed and desirable access of a researcher and, instead of providing a way, it will achieve the desirable aim.


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