Time of nafilah ( recommended) night prayer

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor، Al-Mustafa International university

2 Ph.D. in Religion Research


The recommended night prayer is one of  the worships that has been emphasized by the verses and traditions of the innocent Imams (s.a), and an insistence on it has been practically continued by the practical biography (sirah) of the Innocents and the righteous elders of the past.  One of the religious precepts that has deprived many enthusiasts of it from carrying out it, is the time of this prayer which in accordance with the well known viewpoint of  the jurists, its beginning  is midnight, and its end is the true down. Among the contemporary jurisprudents, except two or three personalities, the majority of them have delivered the same religious decision (fatwa) based on that famous theory.    Reviewing and criticizing the evidence of the famous theory which is totally seven case, this article has proved with various evidence, circumstances and proofs that the time of the mentioned prayer is the beginning  of the night, but the midnight later is the time virtue of prayer, and the more the night prayer approaches dawn and rising, the more virtue it has.


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