Keyword Index


  • Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code The Need to Observe the Order for the Execution of Moharebeh Punishment (Review and proposing amendment to Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 7-30]



  • Imamiyyah Usul The Review of the Distinctions between the Jurisprudential Rule and the Rule of Usul in Imamiyyah and Sunni Usul [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 125-150]
  • Islamic punishment Unchangeable hodud (determined corporal punishment) in Islam [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 71-98]


  • Mohareb The Need to Observe the Order for the Execution of Moharebeh Punishment (Review and proposing amendment to Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 7-30]
  • Muhaqqiq al-Hilli A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Murder A contemplation on punishing recidivism of filicide based on Imamate jurisprudence`s capacities [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 153-174]
  • Murtad Fitri An Investigation in the Sufficiency of Being Muslim for One of the Parents of Murtad Fitri [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 31-50]


  • Right Jurisprudential - legal review of foundation and nature of harim (privacy) [Volume 24, Issue 91, , Pages 109-130]


  • Shaikh Tusi A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Shiite jurisprudence A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Stoning Jurisprudential feasibility study of transition from corporal punishment [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 39-70]
  • Sunni Usul The Review of the Distinctions between the Jurisprudential Rule and the Rule of Usul in Imamiyyah and Sunni Usul [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 125-150]


  • Tamkin A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • The Fitri apostasy An Investigation in the Sufficiency of Being Muslim for One of the Parents of Murtad Fitri [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 31-50]